Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP)

What is SQIDEP?

Stormwater Australia is the custodian of an industry-formulated, independent evaluation process for verifying the performance of devices and technologies for improving stormwater quality.

This process administered is for SQIDEP (Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol).

Once devices and technologies have been independently assessed under SQIDEP, the results are provided to Stormwater Australia.
If the devices have passed their assessment, they are able to
receive a Stormwater Australia stamp of verification.

Many Local Councils and other industry stakeholders are
now requiring a SQIDEP verification before approving the
Installation of stormwater devices.

The Challenge

Rapid rates of development have led to the need for an extensive stormwater pipe network, often with significant space constraints. These developments include large areas of industrial and commercial use, with land uses (e.g. service stations) that can have potential water quality impacts for local creeks and downstream natural environments. To manage the water running off these potentially contaminated sites, devices and technologies have been developed to fit into tight spaces (usually underground) and treat the water before it flows into the natural environment.

With the fast rate of development, there has been a proliferation of stormwater treatment devices and no verification process to ensure that the devices are actually providing the outcomes required (i.e. able to meet the required water quality objectives at the site). This has led to a number of challenges, such as; a backlog of approvals sitting with Local Councils who had no way of ensuring that devices would achieve the desired outcome, a large number of underground devices being installed with only a small number actually performing as required, and a large maintenance burden for local Councils who are managing the devices once development has been completed.

The Solution

Stormwater Australia worked with a broad range of industry stakeholders to develop a protocol that requires each device to be assessed by a team of qualified independent parties
(including Universities and Specialist Scientists within the stormwater consulting field). Each device is then recommended to be verified by Independent Evaluators. Stormwater Australia then verifies the SQIDEP device for it to be recognised as an effective device for stormwater management.

Many local Governments are now requiring this SQIDEP verification before these treatment devices can be installed within their jurisdiction.

The SQIDEP Process

In order to have a device recognised under SQIDEP, an 
applicant is required to follow the steps outlined below. 
The full detail of what is required can be found in the
Protocol,  which is available at this link.

Field Testing

The Protocol provides a uniform set of criteria to which stormwater treatment measures can be field-tested and reported. These criteria should guide and inform field monitoring programs seeking to demonstrate pollutant removals for stormwater treatment measures included in pollutant export modelling software.

Future versions of the protocol are anticipated to also include laboratory testing.

SQIDEP should be recognised to be a living document.

Device Evaluation

There are two pathways available for the Device Evaluation under the SQIDEP process:


The first pathway is the Body of Evidence pathway (BOE) for those submitters that commenced Australian field testing prior to the release of Version 1.3, 31st December 2018. One Submission Form is required for the BOE pathway.


The second pathway is the Field Evaluation pathway which has two stages. Two separate Submission Forms are required at different stages for the Field Evaluation Pathway.

Please refer to the SQIDEP Evaluation Process Chart for an overview of the process
flow for each application/submission and the SQIDEP Governance Framework for
more information on how this independent assessment is implemented.
SQIDEP Evaluation Process Chart

SQIDEP Data Requirements

Note: all methods and data collected, analysed and submitted should be checked and verified by an independent 3rd party, such as a NATA accredited laboratory or research facility.

Regardless of the pathway chosen, the following data and information is likely to be required during your device assessment. Please note that there are standardised data formats required for applications and these should be referred to prior to submission of your application.

If you are following the BOE pathway, you are likely to have this information already. If following the Field Evaluation pathway, you can discuss the following requirements and your proposed monitoring design with independent evaluators during the QAPP process, prior to undertaking the monitoring.

1. For Pollutant Reduction Claims, the following field and/or laboratory parameters will be required (depending on the parameters relevant to your device)

2. Treatment Device Details, including:

3. Laboratory Studies

4. Field Sampling

SQIDEP Verified Products

When a submission for a Device (‘Product’) is successfully Verified by either the BOE pathway, or Stage Two of the Field Evaluation pathway, a Verification Certificate is issued to the submitter.

Details are listed below of successful Verifications, along with the final Verification
Report from the Independent Evaluators.

Devices Evaluated via the Body of Evidence Pathway (SQIDEP Version 1.3)

Devices Evaluated under the Field Evaluation Pathway (SQIDEP Version 1.3)

Product Details Verification
HumeFilter Website Link Certificate Link Report Link August 2023
Atlan Stormsack Website Link Certificate Link Report Link September 2024

How To Apply For Device Evaluation

Here are the submission forms required for each of the application pathways:


which is Stage One of Two
stages of the FIELD

which is Stage Two of Two
stages of the FIELD

SQIDEP Application Fees

Product Details Verification
SPEL Basin (now Atlan Basin) Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf 25 Sep 2020
SPEL Hydrochannel (now Atlan FlowGuard) Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf 22 Jun 2021
SPEL Filter (now Atlan Filter) Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf 22 Jun 2021
Atlan Filter (Half Height) Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf October 2023
Ocean Protect Jellyfish Filter Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf November 2023
Ocean Protect StormFilter Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf December 2023
Ocean Protect OceanGuard Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf December 2023
Atlan Stormwater FlowFilter Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf August 2024
Ocean Protect StormFilter NPSorb Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf August 2024
Atlan Vortceptor Website Link Certificate.pdf Report.pdf September 2024

Fees associated with evaluation against the assessment pathways are detailed in the Submission Forms and are also outlined below.

Body Of Evidence (BOE) Field Evaluation Pathway
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Detailed Performance Report (DPR)

(Excluding GST)

(Excluding GST)

(Excluding GST)

SQIDEP Governance Framework

Stormwater Australia is the custodian of an industry-formulated, independent evaluation process
for verifying the performance of technologies for improving stormwater quality.

A robust and transparent Governance Framework has been established for the Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol
(SQIDEP) process.

The SQIDEP Governance Framework consists of three Panels:

For general enquiries please email: SQIDEP administration

SQIDEP Independent Evaluators Panel (IEP)

Once received by Stormwater Australia, SQIDEP applications/submissions are independently
assessed by two (2) Independent Evaluators (IEs) from the SQIDEP Independent Evaluators Panel
(IEP) for verification of the water quality treatment effectiveness of each device.

The two Independent Evaluators (IEs) will undertake their assessment
separately, using the criteria defined in the Protocol and once they have reached
their independent conclusion, they negotiate to provide a final combined evaluation.

Non-conformances with SQIDEP and issues with performance claims will be
discussed with the Applicant/Claimant prior to any Verification Certificate
being issued.

Independent Evaluators will provide a Detailed Performance Report (DPR) and
once the device has been verified, both the Report and Verification Certificate
(VC) will become publicly available on the Stormwater Australia website.

How Independent Evaluators are Selected for each Application

Membership of the Panel is by application through a public Expression
of Interest (EOI) process.

Current SQIDEP IEP Members include:

Adam Joyner NSW Department of Finance, Service & Innovation - Manly Hydraulics Laboratory
Andrew Allan Afflux Consulting Pty Ltd
Andrew Judge NSW Department of Finance, Service & Innovation - Manly Hydraulics Laboratory
Baden Myers University of South Australia
Chris Beardshaw Afflux Consulting Pty Ltd
Damian McCann Australian Wetlands Consulting
Dr Mark Bayley Australian Wetlands Consulting
Mark Liebman Sustainability Workshop Pty Ltd
Dr Ricky Kwan AECOM
Dr Robin Allison Design Flow Consulting Pty Ltd
Rod Wiese Wiese Insight Pty Ltd
Shaun Leinster Design Flow Consulting Pty Ltd

SQIDEP Technical Review Panel (TRP)

The SQIDEP Technical Review Panel (TRP) was formed to regularly assess the criteria of SQIDEP
and emerging science, research and industry findings to improve the outcomes of the SQIDEP and
confidence in environmental outcomes of stormwater technologies.

The TRP considers the latest research, policy changes, industry updates, field
data and lab testing to develop and update SQIDEP technical documents.

Future draft versions of SQIDEP will be finalised after review
and consultation with the Industry.

The TRP replaces the previous Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Advisory
Committee (SQIDAC) which was originally formed in June 2014 for the first version
of SQIDEP. SQIDAC finalised and released the publication of SQIDEP Version 1.3 on
31st December 2018.

Membership of the Panel is by application through a public Expression
of Interest (EOI) process.

Current SQIDEP TRP Members include:

SQIDEP Governance Panel (GP)

The SQIDEP Governance Panel (GP) members are independent, experienced professionals. The SQIDEP GP
oversees the SQIDEP process to ensure probity, equity and dispute resolution, where necessary.

The SQIDEP GP provides recommendations through resolutions to the Board of Stormwater Australia on the
engagement of SQIDEP Independent Evaluators for each SQIDEP submission; and recommendations through
resolutions on the acceptance of each of the SQIDEP Evaluation reports.

SQIDEP Charters, Policies & Procedures

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